Sunday, December 25, 2022

Beginning Again

A few years ago I decided to take a break from the Birding Big Life blog to pursue other blogging interests that I had. Unfortunately, those blogs couldn't keep my interest the way that this one has. I plan on bringing back the Birding Big Life blog in the beginning of 2023 but it won't be quite the same as it was in the past.

For starters, it will no longer take place mainly in Kansas. This is because I completed my degree in wildlife ecology and management at Kansas State University and am now working in Iowa for the Wapello County Conservation Board  as a conservation technician. The birds that I write about most often will likely be different than those that I wrote about in Kansas because the landscape that I will be birding is different.

My plan for now is to post a weekly summary of the birds that I have recorded along with the photos that I am able to capture. This will hopefully be an improvement from the past, as my skills and equipment have improved tremendously from using a pocket camera through my binoculars.

Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) scanning between verses.

I hope to be more informative in this newer rendition of the blog as to the conservation status of the birds that I feature and some of the ways in which we can help them. I will also be providing updates on projects that I have going on working with birds.

Lastly, I will be highlighting the places that I go birding more than I used to. I believe that the best way to help wildlife is to get out and experience it. By getting to know wildlife more deeply we can understand more what it need from us. So I hope to get more people out using their public lands to view wildlife.

Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) resting on the bridge at Lake Darling State Park.

So, please join me once again as I live my Birding Big Life.